your articles: your podcast


Are you struggling to find time to read your favorite blogs?Speakerine turns your reading list into your personalized podcast.Imagine catching up on all the news and blogs your care about whenever you want.
Enjoy your commute, workouts or cooking sessions while listening to your favorite writers!

Sign up and join the early adopters to be the first to know when it's live!

Illustration by Storyset

Learning more


Who is behind Speakerine?

It's me, Olivier!
Developer at heart, I'm a freelancer and solopreneur with an appetite for well-crafted and thoughtful products.
I'm building Speakerine in public and you can follow my journey on my blog and on X: @olance

What can I expect?

👉 From the product, an app for those times when you can't sit down to read, like when you're:

  • commuting to work

  • cooking

  • exercising

  • lying in your bed wanting to do nothing 🤷

You'll be able to curate content based on your interests and transform that reading list into an audio playlist, making it your go-to app for staying informed and entertained on the go.👉 By subscribing, you’ll get regular updates as I progress on building Speakerine.You’ll also have the opportunity to help me shape it by participating in surveys, testing early versions, etc.So, subscribe now :)

When will it be live?

I am targeting the launch of a first version in September 2024.Before the public launch though, I might send you early-access or beta versions ...
If you subscribe!

How much will it cost?

It's honestly too early to say for sure.
What's certain though, is that you'll get an early adopter discount ... if you subscribe :)
Also, I want to validate the pricing model with real insight from real people.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for your interest

You're on the list!

I'm excited to be bringing Speakerine to you and to share my journey to get there!

Two more things:
👉 Check your emails to confirm your subscription
👉 Head over to my blog at for all posts & updates